Recognizing that African Nova Scotians are a distinct founding people in Nova Scotia who have been a key part of the province’s culture and history since 1605, the DPAD Coalition’s mission is twofold: to build strength and health across African Nova Scotian communities, and to forge a renewed working relationship with government(s) that creates conditions for all African-descended people in Nova Scotia to thrive. While acknowledging that much work remains to address the legacy of enslavement, segregation and generational effects of systemic anti-Black racism in Nova Scotia, we strive to call governments out of past attitudes and behaviours—doing to or for African Nova Scotian communities, instead of with—and into a meaningful engagement that respects people as agents in their own solutions. We seek a relationship where African Nova Scotians are engaged, included and listened to at all levels of policy- shaping and decision-making. We also seek to strengthen relationships amongst ourselves to equip communities and organizations to work collectively and holistically across sectors, in an accountable and mutually supportive way.
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